
W2 Architects


南京, 中国

The green bridge connect to most of city block, and continue to the renovated air port runway park to sustain a green city with existing ...

markus jandl_architekten

Neunutzung des DB-Güterbahnhofareals

Basel, 瑞士, 2002

Die Gestaltung von Struktur und Raum des neuen Stadtteils basiert auf einem klaren Regelwerk. Präzis gesetzte Baufelder orientieren sich...

STAR strategies + architecture

Reykyavik, Ideal City of 21st Century

Reykyavik, Iceland

Reykjavik has a unique opportunity to reinvent its city centre. It could not only rejuvenate itself but also provide a preview of how a E...

james corner field operations

San Juan Knowledge Corridor

San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2040

The ambition of the San Juan Knowledge Corridor is to fuel economic growth and innovation by taking advantage of Puerto Rico’s grow...

urbaNplus / Stefan Kurath / GmbH

Erneuerung Bahnhofplatz

Winterthur, 瑞士, 2007

4. Rang / 2008 / Offener städtebaulicher Wettbewerb / Team: dform Alice Hucker, Holger Schurk, urbanplus / Stefan Kurath, Janet Schacke, ...



惠州, 中国, 2011

DADA的草地是IAPA在中国的第一个总建筑面积超过20万平方米的住宅项目 DADA的草地项目的区位决定了这是一个极有挑战性项目 从一开始,我们就希望项目能有一种突破,能在这一片区成为一种引领,成为新的市场指标,成为大亚湾房地产建设的标准,拉升的...

Atelier 100s+1

“9 Peninsulas” master plan

Nanning, 中国, 2005

Project Name: "9 Peninsulas" master plan Location: Nanning, Guangxi Site Area:

INCLS (集合设计)



Project Type: Strategic Planning Total Land Area: 500sqkm Collaborating offices: KUU, Yale Urban Design Workshop

INCLS (集合设计)


Pudong, 中国

Project Type: Urban Design Competition Total Land Area: 618,500sqm Description: The folded anti-flood wall is des...



杭州, 中国


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